
References from EGB


We confirm that in the period of August-September 2009, Emocni Sp. z o.o. interactive agency was tasked by EGB Investments SA with developing a comprehensive design for an online software application enabling the delivery of updates to clients about the status of debt collection efforts.

Despite the great challenge of precisely linking the tool and the complicated database systems operated by EGB Investments SA, the experts from Emocni sp. z. o.o. interactive agency were successful in their efforts and achieved on-time delivery of software that complied with all specifications. When considering the nature of our activity and the necessity to protect personal data processed by our personal data tool, it was crucial for us to ensure the platform featured the best possible security parameters.

The project was divided into several stages, and at every one of them we could count on the full assistance of programmers in the project team. The contribution of the chief programmer, Mr Sebastian Domaradzki, who was also in charge of cooperation with EGB Investments, is particularly worthy of praise as he succeeded in fulfilling our expectations while introducing solutions enhancing the system's ergonomics and stability. His commitment, the speed with which he reacted to comments and flexibility in the pursuit of the project's goals should be also emphasized.It is a great pleasure for us to recommend Emocni sp. z o.o. as a business partner to those seeking a professional partner ready to fulfil unique requirements. This team of professionals will provide the knowhow and expertise necessary in carrying out complex IT projects.


Marcin Sosnowski
Director, Transaction Office

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